I just viewed my blog myself, and I do believe the utter COOLNESS of the pictures completely vindicates me of any slacking I may have been doing on this blog. Beat that, Natalie. You may have Paris, but I have PICTURES!!!
Beat that? I think we did enough competing in our childhood... I did post a few pictures of Paris...for viewing pleasure of course. Hope you enjoy, and of course you can see a picture of the JetSetter!
Pictures, or no pictures, where are you? You haven't blogged since the 16th. I believe it is the 20th...interesting. I almost had faith in your blogging due to the high speed internet...
dislikes: george w. bush, getting mascara on my hands, setting my alarm for PM instead of AM, waking up,
dropping my cell phone, listening to Amir burp, public nudity, incest, cinnamon flavored anything, falafel my dad made, stale anything, Jill's abnormal lesbian friends, not realizing when someone is being sarcastic, sleeping for less than 9 hours at a time, Duke, hypodermic needles, being a plane ride away from someone I love, coughing, stains, and dead baby jokes.
likes: Wawa (Tastykake), coffee, your mom jokes, running water, irritating my cousins, Harry Potter, receiving mail, playing with my snap bracelet, sleeping bags, lemon water ice, punchy jokes, voicemail, climbing on rocks, sore muscles, St. Patrick's Day, irish car bombs, popsicle sticks, chipmunks, pocket knives, world maps, wind, Solitaire, and hammering things into walls.
Beat that? I think we did enough competing in our childhood...
I did post a few pictures of Paris...for viewing pleasure of course. Hope you enjoy, and of course you can see a picture of the JetSetter!
Pictures, or no pictures, where are you? You haven't blogged since the 16th. I believe it is the 20th...interesting. I almost had faith in your blogging due to the high speed internet...
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