This one's for Grandpa

Friday, May 21, 2004


well, I am shamefully returning to the blogging world after an unexcusable two day absence. However, I have returned and I am back in action. Let's see - I've basically been working, but I went to Paul's concert the other night too. It was good - LOOONG, and so long, in fact, that they cut out 3 songs. Unfortunately, Paul had a solo in 2 of those three songs, so it was kinda a bummer. After the concert, I hung out with some friends that I hadn't seen in awhile, so that was great. Last night I made FOUR CAKES! for Ben's graduation party with Annie and Jackie, then we watched a video we had made in high school. It was a play we had written - and let me tell you, it was freaking amazing. The whole play was written in couplet form, and we made the All I can say is that the four of us are GENIUSES!!!! If anyone is interested in reading this marvelous piece of literature, go ahead and drop me a comment and I'll email it to you. Tonight I'm going to see Troy and then tomorrow is Ben's big graduation party...I'm sure it'll be loads of fun!


At 2:08 PM, Blogger nataliejane said...

Wunna! No comment of the fabulous voice mail message on your cellular phone? I thought for sure it would be mentioned. Indeed Wunna, you should still be ashamed.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger nataliejane said...

Will you come back? And where have you been? I just got back to the blogram, will you? How was the party? Were there cute boys? And the ducks! How are the ducks? And what about the visit with Uncle Phil and Grandpa Ben? Details Wunna! Inquiring minds want to know.


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