First, I would like to THANK my cousin for her evil voicemail that she left me today. Hmph. Other than that, things are going well. There's a new guy at work and he's pretty cool, so that's nice. I was planning on seeing Fahrenheit 911 tonight, but it was sold out so Eric, Chris, Peter, and I just came back home after a Wawa run. We chilled and played with cable on our TV. WOW! I still don't know how to work it - I find myself watching LESS TV than I did (which was little, so now it's like, none) because I don't know how to work the TV. The sad part is I don't know how to work the VCR or DVD player now to get Ben to help me with that. Ben and my iPods came in the mail - some accident in shipping gave us one 15G and one 10G and like, a whole bunch of accessories. So, I got the 10G and the accessories, and Ben took the 15G. Unfortunately, my hold key sticks so I'm mailing it back tomorrow. I'm currently working on getting all of my CDs onto my computer. Sad news of the day: Cameron's car was broken into, and the person took her stereo. I feel bad for her, since she just got it. Oh well. Guess I should stop ignoring my guests...enjoy the pictures below!
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