This one's for Grandpa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Two-Pop Shopper!

This is the best story EVER about my dad.

So we're at dinner last night and Ben mentions that one of his friends is a "double popper." For those who don't know, that means that his friend commits the heinous crime of not just popping ONE collar - but TWO. He wears two shirts JUST so he can pop TWO collars. Now, first of all, I am opposed to this. I am opposed to all popping, no matter who, what, where. Ben claims to be an "OP" (original popper) but I think someone hit it on the head when they said he probably WAS one of the first people to pop his collar, but only because he was too lazy/forgot to put it down.

Anyway. This story is about my dad.

The discussion continued as I made my case against the double pop, or "two pop" as I started to call it. Dad interrupts my diatribe by crowing loudly, "TWO POP SHOPPER!!!" I had no idea what he was saying, but luckily Ben translated. "Shakur. But nice try, Dad."

Yep. Tupac Shakur=Two Pop Shopper in my dad's world. Awesome.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Well ME-funk i dont know what about that being your dad's best story yet, for he has some pretty amazing ones. But i do agree that that this one falls in the top 5. Now one last request, sound out Two pop shopper in the language of the one the only Homestarrunner.


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