I read this article in the Times this morning. I'd be interested in some feedback. I realize that the Times has a liberal slant, and that this is just an opinion piece, so of course it has to be taken with a grain of salt. Still, though, I think the author deals with something that is a very real fear for me. This is a serious situation and our votes in this election determines the future of the Supreme Court and the law of this land.
Here is another opinion column, this time from The Daily Tar Heel, Carolina's paper - one of the best school papers in the nation. Again, there's a serious subject addressed here. Should the president of the United States be able, and willing, to admit his faults? Something my mom said to me a few weeks ago rings in my head -- when I was complaining that Kerry was always being accused of "flip-flopping" on issues, Mom said, "I'd rather my president change his mind when he knows he's wrong than refuse to admit he has done something wrong and keep us in a bad situation." That's something that I've been thinking about. I believe that no matter how deep you are in trouble, you are never in too deep to avoid getting out. Should Bush admit his mistakes? Of course, that won't look very good for him at this point in the race. Of course he dodged Linda Grabel's question. It's hard for anyone to admit mistakes, let alone a man who is in front of his nation, asking for a second term. Still, though. In the face of Kerry's constant accusations of dishonesty, it was an opportunity for Bush to be honest - to stand up and say he is human, he makes mistakes. As the columnist writes in this article, "It's about being human. It's about recognizing that even the president of the United States is fallible. It's about learning on the job. And if you can't manage to learn and be president at the same time, then I urge us all to help you concentrate exclusively on the former." So what has Bush learned while being president? He doesn't offer us any new plans for the future. How is he illustrating that he has learned from his mistakes? How is he illustrating that he is worthy of leading our country when he won't even admit he is subject to the human mistakes we all are?
Finally, here are some pictures from my trip to Bald Head Island this week. Enjoy!